Our Coaching Options
We have 3 different services, each designed based on the level of coaching you want and need. Our Intro to Powerlifting is a one time purchase for a single 1-on-1 session via Zoom where you will learn how to squat, bench press, and deadlift, or get feedback on your lifts from a coach for the first time. Our Online Coaching option is for those who want customized programming and daily written feedback on their lifts, but want to lift independently and on their own time. LIVE Zoom Coaching 3x/Week + Online Coaching is for those who want customized programming, real time feedback during their workouts from a coach, and an extra level of accountability with recurring appointments every week.
Intro to Powerlifting
Take a 1 on 1 Intro course LIVE via Zoom. Learn how to correctly perform the barbell squat, bench press, and deadlift with the guidance of an experience powerlifting coach. We will discuss programming, pain and injury, and address any general questions you have about powerlifting and strength training. This course is perfect for people who have never trained with barbells before or have never received feedback on their technique. Come start your strength journey! This is a one time purchase of $99.
Premium Online Coaching
Receive individualized weekly programming, daily check ins and technique feedback, and pain and injury guidance. You’ll train independently on your own time, use a tripod and phone to record your videos, and upload them to TurnKey Coach. You’ll receive meet day handling in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area, and access to the Wilson Powerlifting Slack workspace with other lifters. Priced at $179/month.
LIVE Coaching 3x/Week
Train with me 3x/week LIVE via Zoom. Receive real time coaching feedback on your technique and an extra level of accountability with recurring appointments every week. This option includes individualized programming, meet day handling, and access to the Wilson Powerlifting workspace. Priced at $599/month.